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Sett av datoen! NSPA Forum 2024 i Bodø


Torsdag 12.09.2024 00.00 - fredag 13.09.2024 00.00

Nettverket for Northern Sparsely Populated Areas (NSPA) ønsker deg velkommen til NSPA-forumet i 2024, fra 12. til 13. september. Årets arrangement vil finne sted i Bodø, den første europeiske kulturhovedstaden nord for den arktiske sirkelen. 

Mer informasjon om programmet og påmelding kommer før sommeren. Vi kan allerede meddele at vi vil gi en oppdatering om resultatene fra den nylig avsluttede OECD-studien “Support to the implementation capacity of sustainable green development in the European Arctic Northern Sparsely Populated Areas (NSPA)”. 


NSPA Forum preliminary program:

Wednesday 11/9 – For those arriving early
20.00: Dinner and possible cultural activities

Thursday 12/9:
09:00 – 11.00:     Boat/RIB-trip to Saltstraumen – the heaviest maelstrom in Europe
11.30 – 12.30:     Lunch

12.30 – 19.00:     Program:
1. Welcome speach and introduction of the day
v/ Svein M. Eggesvik, County President Nordland
2. Bodø 2024: Presentation of the European Capital of Culture-project and Ung 2024, and how they have succeeded in involving youths in the project. In addition, Kiruna and Oulo will / can present their plans of becoming European Capital of Culture
3. The OECD- study – recommendations and planning of the publication
V/ Stefano Barbieri, OECD and Jouni Ponnikas, Kainuu / chair of the steering group
4. Geopolitics, infrastructure and transport in Arctic Europe
v/ TBC
5. EU and Arctic
v/ Representatives from DG Mare, European External Action Service and perhaps the European Parliament
6. NSPA Steering Group Meeting and NSPA Working Group Meeting

20.00: Dinner and beer tasting at Restaurant Bådin (local brewery), and cultural event

Friday 13/9:
09.00 – 10.15: Rebranding NSPA – finalizing workshop
v/ NSPA working group
10.15 – 10.30: Coffee break
10.30 – 11.00: Arctic Race – a possibility for cross-boarder cooperation in Arctic Europe?
v/ Knut Eirik Dybdahl, Arctic Race of Norway
11.00: Presentation of a North Nordic project named Team Nordic Arctic
v/ ProTromsø, Business Oulo and Umeå municipality 
11.30 – 12.00: Summary, conclusions and take-aways.
12.00: Lunch and return home

Ta gjerne kontakt for ytterligere informasjon: 

Nils Kristian Sørheim Nilsen, Nord-Norges Europakontor, nilnil@nfk.no 

Janni Ekrem, Nord-Norges Europakontor, janekr@nfk.no  


North Norway European Office


Janni Ekrem